How to batch render in 3d Studio Max or Maya?

For example you have 5 scene and you want to render them in series so when one render is done, the other scene will be started to render automatically. There are some scripts and softwares for that but there is also a great way and easiest way to do this!

Let’s do it!;

The software we use; Autodesk’s “Backburner”. It comes with pack of Autodesk 3d Studio Max and Autodesk Maya.

Firstly, look if you have Backburner installed on your computer, if not, check and install it from 3d Studio Max or Maya’s setup.

Some important tricks and notes while using Backburner;

* Never close [SERVER] and [MANAGER] windows via “X”, always use SHUTDOWN from FILE menu.

* Ordering is important, you can have problems if you don’t do in order.

Batch rendering with Backburner in 3d Studio Max;

For example you have 5 scenes named; first_scene.max , second_scene.max , third_scene.max , forth_scene.max , fifth_scene.max

and you want to render them in series automatically.

Firstly, for your all scenes, in render settings, set scene’s “Render Output Path”

and select “Net Render”

Now, from Start Menu > Programs > Autodesk > Backburner > Manager

It will open Backburner General Properties window, don’t change anything and press OK

If everything is on way, will be opened Backburner Manager window like this;

Now, back to 3d Studio Max Render Setup Window and Press [Render]

It will pop-up Network Job Assignment window;

In [Job Name]; write your scene name,

Select [Include Maps]

Press [Connect]

Now press [Submit]

Window will be closed and your job will be queued.

Now, from Start Menu > Programs > Autodesk > Backburner > Monitor

Check [Automatic Search] and click OK

Now press Connect button and you will see your submitted job (scene) in Job List

Open second scene, set its Render Output Path, select [Net Render] and press Render. Do same steps for Network Job Assignment window and submit.

Repeat theese for your all scenes.

When you are ready to render (probably you want to push render button and want to go for a little nap along render time :)),

Open, from Start Menu > Programs > Autodesk > Backburner > Server

It will open Backburner Server General Properties

Check “Automatic Search” and press OK

Your render process will be started, and when it finished first scenes’ render, it will start second scene automatically, and the third, fourth… so on.. (so you can go for a nap in a peace of mind 🙂

Successfully rendering process should be look like that;

If something goes wrong (because there are hundreds type of errors) on this server, select Shut Down from File menu and start server again..

If still goes wrong try to shut down Manager and Server and start them again. (Firstly Manager and then Server)

If still goes wrong, take a shower 🙂

Batch rendering with Backburner in Maya;

Exactly same steps for Backburner steps in Max, only job submitting proccess is diffrent in Maya.

Open your first maya scene,

Select Rendering menu set, and select “Create Backburner Job…” from Render menu;

Write your scene name in Job Name

Write your Manager Name (You can find your manager name in Manager window.. Successfully registration from XXXXXXXXXXX)

Submit Job and Close

Repeat for your all Maya scenes set render output paths,

When you are ready to render, open server, it will start render process automatically,

You can watch your rendering process with Backburner Monitor..

That’s all folks!

Keep in FxfxORG


About Caneration

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  1. Wow very useful- great to know this

  2. and btw please make some video tutorials. danke

  3. Shailendra Shakya

    very precious

  4. hey, im having the same issue over and over again, i even re started everithing, i have 3 scenes, the server only dies the first one, then it tells me that it cant open the aplication, and then 3ds max 15.0 shut down, and nothing else happens, what could it be_ thanx

  5. Hello frank,

    Can you please try to render 3 simple scenes (put only a sphere and render 250 frames).
    If it renders without a problem then it could be because of plugins or scripts or something diffrent in your current scenes. By the way don’t forget if you are using render farm, all systems (software versions and all plugins scripts) must be exactly same!

    Have a nice day,

    Stay in Fxfx,


  6. Thanks Caner!, is a great article and really useful.

  7. You are welcome, thats good to hear of helping people 🙂

    Stay in Fxfx mates,


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